Choose a Package
Upgrade to the Bronze Package for unlimited tags, categories, and images. Showcase videos, add customer reviews, and get highlighted as a featured listing. Enjoy enhanced contact info and mentions in key 'What's happening' and 'Top 10' articles.
฿ 5,000.00 Plus ฿350.00 tax / month Per Listing
- Listing as featured
- Contact Owner
- Tag (Unlimited Tag)
- Type of Business (Unlimited Type of Business)
- Your Business Website Link
- Images (Unlimited Images)
- Video (Optional)
- Special Features
- Secondary Phone Number
- Be featured in regional 'What's happening' articles
- Mention in 'Top 10' / 'Best of' Article
- Allow Customer Review
RecommendedEnhance your visibility with the Silver Package. Get a dedicated and pinned promotional thread on ASEANNOW, weekly mentions in the Newsletter, and a promotional video by a Thaiger Micro-Influencer. Take appointments directly through the Directory and interact with customers via live chat.
฿ 15,000.00 Plus ฿1,050.00 tax / month Per Listing
- Dedicated promotional thread published on ASEANNOW
- Promotional thread pinned on the local business sub-forum of Asean Now
- Weekly Newsletter link to your promotional thread.
- Promotional video by a Thaiger-affiliated Micro-Influencer, plus an article on Thaiger/ASEANNOW
RecommendedMaximise your business's exposure with the Gold Package. Sponsor a sub-forum with a banner on the ASEANNOW homepage, get full access to ThaigerGo CRM and email automation, and upgrade your profile link to a do-follow for better SEO. Your banner ad will appear in the daily Newsletter twice a week, and you'll receive an annual advertorial published on Thaiger and shared on social media.
฿ 25,000.00 Plus ฿1,750.00 tax / month Per Listing
- Sub-Forum Sponsorship with Homepage Banner
- Full Access to ThaigerGo CRM and Email Automations
- Upgrade to Do-Follow Profile Link
- Banner Ad in Daily Newsletter
- Annual Advertorial published on The Thaiger